The single most effective way you can address the range of critical issues facing your payments program is by joining NEACH.
As a non-profit association, we exist to serve our members – not to make a profit. Earnings are returned to you in the form of national representation, subsidized programs and services, and a host of other member-based events.
NEACH acts as your voice at the national level. As a direct, voting member of the National ACH Association (Nacha), we solicit member feedback prior to voting on amendments to Nacha Operating Rules, to ensure your specific needs and concerns are heard.
We work with industry organizations on current developments impacting payments, and deliver this timely, accurate information to our members. Changes to Nacha Operating Rules, Nacha Operations Bulletins, and Requests for Comments are only a few examples of how NEACH keeps you informed.
We subscribe to a genuine member focused role of people helping people, our goal is to serve our members. No matter your size, as a NEACH member, you matter.
Learn more about membership options.