Mary Mumper-Morrison, AAP, APRP, CAMS
Dean, School of Compliance



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Welcome to the School of General Payments

Thank you for considering the School of General Payments at NEACH U! Whether you’re diving into NEACH’s educational offerings for the first time or returning as a seasoned learner, we are thrilled to have you embark on this new learning venture with us. As the Dean of this program, I extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to each of you.

Our primary objective within the School of General Payments is to equip you with the fundamental knowledge essential for navigating the intricate world of payments. My aim is to provide you with the foundational understanding necessary to initiate your journey in the payments domain and establish a strong platform upon which you can build your expertise in more advanced subjects. Through a meticulously curated set of courses and accompanying resources, we endeavor to clarify the characteristics, process flows, and legal frameworks associated with the major payment channels.

As Dean, I am genuinely enthusiastic about collaborating with each of you on this journey through the School of General Payments. Together, we’ll delve into the multifaceted landscape of payments, fostering a comprehensive understanding that will lay the groundwork for your continued professional growth and success.

Let’s embark on this educational journey together and maximize the immense opportunities it offers. If you ever require guidance or support, know that our faculty and staff are here to assist you every step of the way.

Warm regards,
Mary Mumper-Morrison, AAP, APRP, CAMS, NCP
Dean, School of General Payments

Celebrating the School of General Payments Community!

The School of General Payments proudly adopts the Cardinal as its mascot, symbolizing the vibrant spirit and sense of pride within its community. This beloved mascot serves as a unifying emblem, bringing together students and faculty, reinforcing the school’s strong sense of collective identity.